It's that time of year again. Time to get ready for the Junior Guard training at Newport Hills Phase 2 pool.
We had a 99% pass rate last year, and we look forward to all of our swimmers coming back to train with us.
Head Coaches: Coach Jesse Briggs and Coach Michelle Sperling
We will have 2-3 additional coaches on staff based on the need.
Pool Location: 1900 Port Carlow Pl., Newport Beach, CA 92660
Starts: Jan. 14th, 2025 (Tuesday)
Ends: March 14th, 2025 (Friday)
JG Training Schedule:
- Monday - Friday (5 days a week). The first 15 minutes is dry-land practice.
Time 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
- Ages 7 -9 year old - Goal to pass the Crystal Cove test and First year D's at Newport beach JGs
- Beginner 9 year old and under - those that need the beginner fundamentals
Time 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- Ages 10 and older - passing HB and NB junior guards
- Intermediate and Advanced swimmers, looking to get faster
Time 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
If anybody needs to adjust class times, please reach out. We are trying to accommodate swimmers by their abilities and we have a lot of extra space in the earlier class.
Cost: $295. You will be billed after you complete the registration below.
Extended Crystal Cove guard training (2 days a week)
- For 7 & 8 year old swimmers training
Starts: March 15th, 2025 (Saturday)
Ends: April 18th, 2025 (Friday)
Schedule: Friday and Saturday only
- Friday 4p- 5:15p & Saturday 10a - 11:15AM
Cost $75: Will be billed in March.
Contact Coach Jesse for any questions regarding registering at [email protected] or feel free to email [email protected] and we can direct your questions as needed.